Resident Radiologist Panel (RRP) is a volunteer group radiologists with suitable experience in managing the backend process of second opinion, case compilation, debugging the site, testing, and other volunteering tasks. The group could be as big as 10.
You can apply for RRP which is exclusively a volunteer type service . The only benefit for RRP members is to learn from seniors. mentorships and also trust by several Panels.They remain guiding force and often write disciplinary codes on this virtual platform.
RRP members have been termed as radiologists of last resort when algorithms fails to find someone to report the case. They are backbone of teleporting when urgent reporting or review is required. The selection of RRP members is purely on first-come-first-join basis and also their profile should satisfy the veterans. Qualifications matter but more important is dedication to improve tele-reporting ecosystem, and commitment to learn.
There are several panels to check the reporting standards, but trial cases are piloted by RRP.
Please check following FAQ
The reports are automatically forwarded to the Editor (one of our Senior Radiologist specialised in the respective field) for approval. You will be notified by the Email after approval from the Editor. This can take upto 1-4 working days.
You must follow the instructions as provided in Email.
And also recheck whether you are using the URL :
It should work.