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Profile Listing

How to add Details about Publications

Only articles published in journals indexed by PubMed are allowed to add. Visit Search your Article using Search Box…

Only articles published in journals indexed by PubMed are allowed to add.

  1. Visit
  2. Search your Article using Search Box
  3. PubMed ID or PMID refers to unique identifier used by PubMed, which can be used to locate articles online.
  4. Copy and Paste PMID into PubMed ID field of your Profile Listing form. This will automatically fetch details about articles.
  5. In case, there are multiple publications in your name, click on '+' sign & repeat the above procedure. 

0 answers2131 viewsPosted 4 years ago
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Instructions for documents upload

TeleradiologyHUB reserves the right to remove an uploaded document if the quality of the document is unacceptable, if a virus…

TeleradiologyHUB reserves the right to remove an uploaded document if the quality of the document is unacceptable, if a virus is detected, or if it does not match the admission requirement. This will result in delays in approval of your application and making a decision, so please follow the instructions below.

  • All documents must be in PDF format.
  • Your full name must appear on all uploaded documents.
  • Ensure that all information on the document is readable.
  • If a document is in a language other than English, a certified English translation must also be included.
  • Scanning at a resolution of 300 DPI is recommended.
  • Do not upload all your supporting documents as one file. Create one PDF for each type of document you are required to upload.
  • Multipage documents should be saved as a single PDF document. Please ensure that all pages of the document are in the correct order.
  • All documents must be saved in an unsecured PDF format before they can be uploaded. Your PDF document must not be password protected.

Documents must be saved and uploaded as PDF.

Follow the instructions below to convert your documents to PDF format:

To convert a JPEG or DOC file to PDF:

  1. To convert any type of document to PDF you may choose to use the online website This is a third-party website and the TeleradiologyHUB assumes no liability or responsibility for its use.
  2. Download converted files one by one, using thumbnails.
  3. Documents must be less than 3 MB in size. You may use for PDF compression. 
0 answers2387 viewsPosted 5 years ago
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