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Getting Started

I have created login. How do I start reporting??

Just created a login.? Great, you look tech-smart. Almost 20-30% radiologists struggle to read easy instructions. Hope payment link worked…

Just created a login.?

Great, you look tech-smart. Almost 20-30% radiologists struggle to read easy instructions. Hope payment link worked for you and you have successfully paid the membership fees. We cant do much if you have had an issue with payment gateways for it is managed by third party. They generally provide 30 different options to pay fees. If problem persists,  your cout wait and retry other times.

Whats next?  Get your account activated. For that please check your inbox. Please click on the activation link therein. This will take you to your live profile page! 

If you struggle finding the activation link, please do ensure before re-creating your  login page again, 
1. Did you check your SPAM box?
2. Any  typo error during login Id creation?
3. Is your Inbox full?
Upon activation, please fill in your details in relevant fields on your profile page. Meanwhile please do send your passport size photograph (Visa type) and degree documents by email for verification. Third party verification takes 2-3 weeks, if you are lucky it might be over in a week. Be ready for Test/Trial cases sent over by Resident Radiologist Panel (RRP).  Please allow 2-3 weeks to get results to come out.

Thereafter please follow models of allotting the tele cases,  please read about it in details.

0 answers1457 viewsPosted 4 years ago
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Im a radiologist , I have paid membership fee to register and also mailed all the required documents. But I didn't get my verification mail yet. I want to apply for job here.

Please check Spam / Junk folder of your Email for our instruction email. Also read :

I've registered where on which email Id I have to mail my documents

First create / add your Listing as a Tele-radiologist. Browse following link to know more: How do I add my…

First create / add your Listing as a Tele-radiologist. Browse following link to know more:

After creating your Listing, you will receive Email with instructions on how to send Documents.

0 answers1326 viewsPosted 4 years ago
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Please specify what do u mean by 'please add valid value for city'

It means you have not added your City where you currently stay. Watch following video to know how to Add…

It means you have not added your City where you currently stay. Watch following video to know how to Add city.


0 answers4985 viewsPosted 5 years ago
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You have to select the local and international Currency in which Reporting fee will be paid.

Please see the video to know how to select.



0 answers1477 viewsPosted 5 years ago
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Single Listing is permitted per Radiologist. Our staff will delete the entries, except one.

0 answers1513 viewsPosted 5 years ago
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You will have to register as an International Radiologist. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Scroll down and click on JOIN US under International Radiologist
  3. Login using Your username and password 
  4. Click on 'Check out' button
  5. Pay using your International Debit / Credit account through Paypal
  6. After payment, you will redirected back to our website to create your Profile Page.

Yes. International Payment are done through the Paypal. Also by NetBanking, if supported. 

0 answers1749 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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Who and how do you confirm the genuineness of my degree / documents? Is it the medical council or the post graduate institute?

We have outsourced multiple private Document Verification service provider across Globe. They have their own method of verifications to check…

We have outsourced multiple private Document Verification service provider across Globe. They have their own method of verifications to check Genuineness of Medical Degree Certificates. One of them is 

You can find more information about methodology on their respective websites. 

0 answers1607 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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When i clicked on forgot password. It shows a message mentioning "you have been blocked. Please contact the administration". Please help

It means you have not activated your Account. When you Register on TeleradiologyHUB, our system sends an automated Email to…
It means you have not activated your Account. When you Register on TeleradiologyHUB, our system sends an automated Email to your registered Email address containing an activation Link. You have to click on Link to activate your account.
More info available on following FAQs

Account Blocked

I can’t login because it says my account has not been activated yet.

0 answers1542 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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I subscribed yesterday, but couldn't upload photos due to size issue. How do i proceed now?

Email us photo and other documents. You can find our Email Address in Welcome Email sent just after Registration. Check…

Email us photo and other documents. You can find our Email Address in Welcome Email sent just after Registration. Check your Email Inbox or Spam folder. 

0 answers1560 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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How to upload documents

Email us all documents. Please check your Email Inbox (SPAM folder, if not found in Inbox) for instructions email and…

Email us all documents. Please check your Email Inbox (SPAM folder, if not found in Inbox) for instructions email and our email address. 

0 answers1672 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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I have registration in two medical councils. How to add them both?

You can add only one State Medical council registration details of your choice in Profile. 

You can add only one State Medical council registration details of your choice in Profile. 

0 answers1458 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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Add your State Medical Council Registration Number in MCI Registration field. 
0 answers2212 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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I have done my registration. But how can I know my status and get the cases to report..

Your Certificates will be verified with MCI / State Medical council / Govt Agencies. Once verified, the Profile listing will…

Your Certificates will be verified with MCI / State Medical council / Govt Agencies. Once verified, the Profile listing will be approved. You will then receive instructions email about the Reporting. 

Read More: When will it be approved?

0 answers1632 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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I haven't received any email from TeleradiologyHUB after registration

Adding TeleradiologyHUB to your whitelist and contacts Sometimes our emails end up in your spam folders, which is super annoying…

Adding TeleradiologyHUB to your whitelist and contacts

Sometimes our emails end up in your spam folders, which is super annoying and non-productive. That's why we've created a tutorial on adding our noreply email address to your trusted contacts for the 4 largest webmail providers.


When you use Gmail, you need to add the address to your Google contacts. Here’s how:

  1. In your Google account, click on the service overview and open Contacts
  2. In Contacts, click on New contact
  3. Fill in the name and email address
  4. Google automatically saves the contact


Adding our address to Yahoo contacts is easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. In your Yahoo account, click on New contact
  2. Fill in the necessary details
  3. Click on Save



In you can add us to your People:

  1. Click on the services overview and open People
  2. Create a new contact
  3. Fill in our details
  4. Click on Save



If you use iCloud as webmail, you can add us to your Contacts by following these steps:

  1. In iCloud, go to Contacts
  2. Click on the + sign to create a new contact
  3. Fill in our details
  4. Click on Done



0 answers2205 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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I have emailed required documents and Photograph. When will it be approved ?

Our HR department check and verify every documents received with the State Medical council and other Govt Agencies. This can…

Our HR department check and verify every documents received with the State Medical council and other Govt Agencies. This can take upto 5-7 working days. You will get an Approval Email after document verification. 

Please note, sometimes due to Holidays or any other events at the Medical Council Office or our Documents Verification Outsourced office can take more time than expected. 

0 answers1771 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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Just Paid amount, but when trying to log into the account, it is showing your Account is block.

Check INBOX and SPAM folder of your Email account for our Welcome Email. Then click on Activation link in it.…

Check INBOX and SPAM folder of your Email account for our Welcome Email. Then click on Activation link in it. This is to verify your Email address. 

0 answers1644 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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I have forgot my user name of TeleradiologyHUB account

If you have forgot the user name you used when registered an account at the website you can easily retrieve…

If you have forgot the user name you used when registered an account at the website you can easily retrieve user name by visiting the following link below.

Use this link to get your user name emailed to you – user name reminder form


0 answers1637 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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Can I join without PG Medical council Registration ?

I have finished my MD radiodiagnosis and doing my senior residency of 1 yr duration.I wouldn't get my registration number…

I have finished my MD radiodiagnosis and doing my senior residency of 1 yr duration.I wouldn't get my registration number until I finish my senior residency. Are my mark list and provisional certificate enough for telereporting. Kindly give the required info. 

No. You cannot work independently as a Radiologist. The State Council Registration of Post-Graduate Degree is mandatory.

But, you can still join us for Pre-Read Cases and work as TeleRadiologist under one of the Senior Radiologist.  

0 answers1791 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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I'm not able to upload documents

Our system follows strict criteria like resolution, size and format of the Documents and Photograph. This could be reason for …

Our system follows strict criteria like resolution, size and format of the Documents and Photograph. This could be reason for upload error.

You can EMAIL Photo and documents to us as an attachment. Also re-check our Instruction Email in INBOX / SPAM Folder of your Email account which contains all details including our email address. 

0 answers1869 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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The Right Way to Request Helpdesk Support

A right support request about the issue you're experiencing with concise and useful information is very important for us to track down and resolve the issue.

Try to Replicate the Issue
Prior to submitting a ticket, you should try to replicate this issue on a different computer, operating system, browser, device, location, and/or network. Also browse through HelpDesk at 

'Help, I am getting error !'

This request is too vague to understand the issue.  You can’t assume that our IT team will know which issue or error you’re referring to. If issue is replicable, provide instructions for how to recreate the problem in your request. Often times, the helpdesk must recreate the error to solve it.

Always provide following details:

  • URL where the error occurred.
  • The device being used (iPhone, Laptop, etc.), Operative system (Windows, Android, Mac etc)
  • Screenshot or the Exact Text of the Error Message. Screenshot, gif, or video of your issue is extremely helpful to pinpoint issue. If you can’t include an image, add the exact text of the error message.

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