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Dr. Ashok Kumar
I am an Endocrinologist, treating a wide array of hormonal conditions.
Ashok Kumar is Professional Friend of Dr. Deepak Singh
Dr. Deepak have a in depth knowledge into the subject, his kind and humble attitude is really appreciable. His feedbacks on patient diagnosis and care are very meticulous.
Sun, 08 Nov 2020
Dr. Jyotika Sehgal
I am radiologist running my own diagnostic center at Patiala
Jyotika Sehgal is Professional Friend of Dr. Neha Chhabra
I have known Dr. Neha Chhabra for more than 8 years. She is very good in reporting MRIs and CT Scans. Having worked in DMC Ludhiana and PGI Chandigarh, she has an excellent imaging and diagnostic approach.
Sun, 28 Jun 2020
Dr. Ashwin Raghavendra
Consultant Radiologist, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally, Telengana.
Ashwin Raghavendra is Professional Friend of Dr. Hariharaprakash R
I have known Dr. Hariharaprakash personally and professionally for many years. He had completed his MD Radiodiagnosis from one of the top institutions in India. Being a Radiologist myself, I turn to him for Second opinions on complicated cases. His experience in Interventional radiology coupled with his brilliant approach to diagnostic radiology cases make him a one stop shop for clinicians from various fields. He has several publications and presentations in national and international conferences to his credit. I would definitely recommend Dr Hariharaprakash.
Thu, 09 Jul 2020
Muktananda Kundu
MD (Psychiatry)(cal)
Regn.No 45631 (West Bengal Medical Council)
Life Fellow : Indian Psychiatric Society.
Indian association of Private
Psychiatry .



Working in the capacity of-
Senior Medical Officer-Grade I

Practicing as Neuropsychiatrist in the city of Kolkata & Howrah (West Bengal) .
Muktananda Kundu is Professional Friend of Dr. Supriya Ray
I know Dr. Supriya Roy since our undergraduate days in 1980s. As a student he was very brilliant and promising and full of wit and humor as well. In his professional career in later life he has created a space for him as a Radiologist in the City of Kolkata and around.
His professionalism doesn't create any barrier between him and his patients from being caring and understanding!
My professional association with Dr. Roy is because he is the consultant radiologist for my patients of neuropsychiatry. His interpretations become immensely helpful to me for the assessment of the patients.
His reports are reliable, astute and thorough enough to satisfy a clinician!
I cherish my long association with Dr. Roy and wish him the best for his future endeavours !
Wed, 15 Jul 2020
Dr. Pijush Kanti Ray
MD General Medicine (Calcutta); FRCP London
Consultant Physician & Geriatrician
General Medical Council Number 4364377 Specialist Register General Internal Medicine and Geriatric Medicine
18 years experience as a Consultant Physician & Geriatrician, trained in India and UK. Special interest in Stroke Medicine, Dementia and Frailty.
Pijush Kanti Ray is Professional Friend of Dr. Supriya Ray
Dr. Supriya Ray is a professional colleague with more than 25 years of Radiology experience mainly in the private sector in Kolkata, India. His area of speciality is Neuroradiology. He has extensive experience in the imaging of the Brain, Spine and Musculoskeletal CT and MRI. He is reliable, trustworthy and diligent in his professional life. I have not worked with him directly but I have had professional interaction with him for over 25 years. I do not have any pecuniary interest and I give this reference without any prejudice or vested interest.
Fri, 17 Jul 2020
Dr. Gopinath Maiti
Presently working as Professor Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at NRS Medical college, Kolkata since 2009. Worked as thesis guide to dozens of MS Orthopaedic students. Worked as examiner and paper setter in MS Orthopaedic exam inside and outside West Bengal for many years. Worked as DNB orthopaedic examiner. Performed as faculty in national conference.
Gopinath Maiti is Professional Friend of Dr. Supriya Ray
It is with great pleasure that I recommend Dr Supriya Roy, one of the leading radiologists in Eastern India.
I have known him, both in the personal and professional spheres, since 1981. His brilliance and medical acumen were well known in our MBBS and postgraduation days.

Dr Roy completed his training in Radio-diagnosis in the year 1992, from the prestigious Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Calcutta, India. He devotion to perfecting his skill shines through 28 years of association with two of the premier institutes in Kolkata.

I have immense regard for Dr Roy’s practise. Our interaction over the last four decades has remained constant. I regularly refer my patients to him for radiological investigations and second opinions, and till date, have nothing but praise for his work.

He is diligent and has shown great dedication in achieving greatness in the field. He is one of the most professional doctors I have known and I have immense faith in his skill. I strongly recommend him for the opportunities coming his way.
Sat, 18 Jul 2020
Dr. Debajyoti Konar
Myself MD(Int Medicine), DMRT from Calcutta University and Medicos of 1980 batch from RGKar Medical College, Kolkata previously employed with ESIC under Government of India and posted in several places in India as HOD and Sr Consultant Internal Medicine.
After Vrs working as Visiting Consultant in Charnok Hospital, Kolkata, HCG EKO Hospital, Newtown, Apex Institute of Medical Science, Kolkata , DM Hospital Kolkata etc as well as maintaining my own professional clinics.
Debajyoti Konar is Professional Friend of Dr. Supriya Ray
Dr Supriya Roy an eminent radiologist has a very good repute for his knowledge and experience. His reports are considered as gold standard in situations where we clinicians are in doubts.
He is very authentic and updated.
He is a very charming personality and always helpful.
I am proud to be his professional friend.
Sat, 18 Jul 2020
Dr. Govind Vaijwade
MBBS DNB Gen medicine DNB neurology,
Consultant neurologist
Govind Vaijwade is Professional Friend of Dr. Syed Sajjad Ali Hashmi
Dr Sajjad is a excellent radiologist.
His reporting of MRI or CT scan images are good as Well as comprehensive with the differentials
He is also ready to discuss and consider clinicians thought for betterment of patient's disease and diagnosis.
Sun, 19 Jul 2020
Dr. Pinaki Nag
I am a Consultant Ophthalmologist and Director of Diptakshi. I have experience of 30 years in Ophthalmology and have been trained and worked in India and UK after completing post graduation in both the countries. After working for more than 13 years in NHS, UK I returned to India in 2010. I have performed more than 12000 cataract surgeries and thousands of other ocular operations. I have presented papers in the state, national and International conferences.
Pinaki Nag is Professional Friend of Dr. Supriya Ray
I have known Dr Supriya Roy since my college days. He was senior to me. His academic records were praiseworthy and he always volunteered to guide and teach us whenever we approached him during our academic sessions. He was a very good volleyball and football player. He was crisp and very articulate while speaking in any meeting.

Dr Roy received Gold Medal in his MD final examination from Calcutta University in the year 1992. He worked in Nidan Diagnostic Centre, Repose Clinic and Research Centre, Modern clinic in Sodepur. At present he is working as Senior Consultant in Radiology at EKO Group in Kolkata, Spandan and Bangur Institute of Neurology at Kolkata. His expertise is in CT scan and MRI with special interest in Neuro Radiology, Musculo-skeletal, Joints, Spine and abdominal. In fact, when I had GI ailment, I did choose him for my abdominal CT scan. He is very meticulous and compassionate in managing anxious and worried patients.
I appreciate his diagnostic acumen when he reports CT and MRI imaging and so do my medical colleagues who regularly refers patients to him for radio-diagnosis. I know Dr Roy to be dependable, honest and courteous.

Dr Supriya Roy would be a great asset to your organisation and has my highest recommendation.

If you need any further details about him then please feel free to contact me.


Dr Pinaki Nag MBBS, DO, MS, FRCS
Director & Consultant Ophthalmologist
Diptakshi Eye Surgery & Medical Centre
Mitrabagan, Pipulpati, Hooghly, WB, 712103
Ph. 033-26805136/5288

Sun, 19 Jul 2020
Dr Somnath Pan
Dr Somnath Pan
INS Aswini
Somnath Pan is Professional Friend of Dr. Sathish K
I am highly pleased to recommend Dr. Sathish.
Dr. Sathish did his Neuroradiology training at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. He has provided me with the opportunity to identify him as being a dedicated, hard-working physician with astute clinical skills. He is an exceptional learner who excels in having the ability to communicate with the patient, to be proactive in the work of the clinic, and the clinical acumen required of an outstanding clinician. He has tremendous skills in the pre-procedure workup, intraprocedural techniques, postop ICU management, and emergency care. His dedication to routine clinical examination, investigational work up and providing medications were notably good.
Tue, 10 Mar 2020