1.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): García-García R, Cruz-Gómez ÁJ, Urios A, Mangas-Losada A, Forn C, Escudero-García D, Kosenko E, Torregrosa I, Tosca J, Giner-Durán R, Serra MA, Avila C, Belloch V, Felipo V, Montoliu C..
TITLE: Learning and Memory Impairments in Patients with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy are Associated with Structural and Functional Connectivity Alterations in Hippocampus.
JOURNAL: Sci Rep. 2018 Jun 25;8(1):9664
2.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): García-García R, Cruz-Gómez ÁJ, Mangas-Losada A, Urios A, Forn C, Escudero-García D, Kosenko E, Ordoño JF, Tosca J, Giner-Durán R, Serra MA, Avila C, Belloch V, Felipo V, Montoliu C.
TITLE: Reduced resting state connectivity and gray matter volume correlate with cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy.
JOURNAL: PLoS One. 2017 Oct 12;12(10)
3.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Ruiz de Miras J, Costumero V, Belloch V, Escudero J, Ávila C, Sepulcre J.
TITLE: Complexity analysis of cortical surface detects changes in future Alzheimer's disease converters.
JOURNAL: Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 Dec;38(12):5905-5918.
4.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Felipo V, Urios A, Giménez-Garzó C, Cauli O, Andrés-Costa MJ, González O, Serra MA, Sánchez-González J, Aliaga R, Giner-Durán R, Belloch V, Montoliu C.
TITLE: Non invasive blood flow measurement in cerebellum detects minimal hepatic encephalopathy earlier than psychometric tests..
JOURNAL: World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Sep 7;20(33):11815-25
5.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Vallejo C, Batlle M, Vazquez L, Solano C, Sampol A, Duarte R, Hernandez D, Lopez J, Rovira M, Jimenez S, Valcarel D, Belloch V, Jimenez M, Jarque I.
TITLE: Phase IV open-label study of the efficacy and safety of deferasirox after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
JOURNAL: Haematologica. 2014 Oct;99(10):1632-7
6.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Maceira AM, Ripoll C, Cosin-Sales J,
Igual B, Gavilán M, Salazar J, Belloch V, Pennell DJ.
TITLE: Long term effects of cocaine on the heart assessed by cardiovascular
magnetic resonance at 3T.
JOURNAL: J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2014 Apr 23;16(1):26.
7.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Höglinger GU, Huppertz HJ, Wagenpfeil
S, Andrés MV, Belloch V, León T, Del Ser T; TAUROS MRI Investigators.
TITLE: Tideglusib reduces progression of brain atrophy in progressive
supranuclear palsy in a randomized trial.
JOURNAL: Mov Disord. 2014 Apr;29(4):479-87. Epub 2014 Jan 31.
8.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Montoliu C, Urios A, Forn C, García-
Panach J, Avila C, Gimenez-Garzó C, Wassel A, Serra MA, Giner-Durán R,
Gonzalez O, Aliaga R, Belloch V, Felipo V.
TITLE: Reduced white matter microstructural integrity correlates with cognitive
deficits in minimal hepatic encephalopathy.
JOURNAL: Gut. 2013 Nov 11. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2013-306175. [Epub ahead of
print] No abstract available.
9.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Montoliu C, Gonzalez-Escamilla G, Atienza M, Urios A, Gonzalez O, Wassel A, Aliaga R, Giner-Duran R, Serra MA, Rodrigo JM, Belloch V, Felipo V, Cantero JL.
TITLE: Focal cortical damage parallels cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy.
JOURNAL:Neuroimage. 2012 Jul 16;61(4):1165-75. Epub 2012 Mar 21.
10.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Avila C, Garbin G, Sanjuán A, Forn C, Barrós-Loscertales A, Bustamante JC, Rodríguez-Pujadas A, Belloch V, Parcet MA.
TITLE: Frontostriatal response to set switching is moderated by reward sensitivity.
JOURNAL:Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012 Apr;7(4):423-30. Epub 2011 Jul 6.
11.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Garbin G, Costa A, Sanjuan A, Forn C, Rodriguez-Pujadas A, Ventura N, Belloch V, Hernandez M, Avila C.
TITLE: Neural bases of language switching in high and early proficient bilinguals.
JOURNAL: Brain Lang. 2011 Dec;119(3):129-35. Epub 2011 May 7.
12.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Barrós-Loscertales A, Garavan H, Bustamante JC, Ventura-Campos N, Llopis JJ, Belloch V, Parcet MA, Avila C.
TITLE: Reduced striatal volume in cocaine-dependent patients.
JOURNAL: Neuroimage. 2011 Jun 1;56(3):1021-6. Epub 2011 Feb 19.
13.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Villanueva V, Gutiérrez A, García M, Beltrán A, Palau J, Conde R, Smeyers P, Rubio P, Gómez E, Rubio T, Sanjuán A, Avila C, Martínez JC, Belloch V, Pérez-Velasco R, Campo A, Domínguez J.
TITLE: Utilidad de la monitorización mediante Video-EEG en los pacientes con epilepsia fármaco-resistente
JOURNAL: Neurologia. 2010 Dec 8. [Epub ahead of print]
14.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Garbin G, Sanjuan A, Forn C, Bustamante JC, Rodriguez-Pujadas A, Belloch V, Hernandez M, Costa A, Avila C.
TITLE: Bridging language and attention: brain basis of the impact of bilingualism on cognitive control.
JOURNAL: Neuroimage. 2010 Dec;53(4):1272-8. Epub 2010 Jun 15.
15.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Forn C, Belenguer A, Belloch V, Sanjuan A, Parcet MA, Avila C.
TITLE: Anatomical and functional differences between the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test.
JOURNAL: J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2011 Jan;33(1):42-50. Epub 2010 Jun 15.
16.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Sanjuán A, Forn C, Ventura-Campos N, Rodríguez-Pujadas A, García-Porcar M, Belloch V, Villanueva V, Avila C.
TITLE: The sentence verification task: a reliable fMRI protocol for mapping receptive language in individual subjects.
JOURNAL: Eur Radiol. 2010 Oct;20(10):2432-8. Epub 2010 May 14.
17.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Barrós-Loscertales A, Ventura-Campos N, Sanjuán-Tomás A, Belloch V, Parcet MA, Avila C.
TITLE: Behavioral activation system modulation on brain activation during appetitive and aversive stimulus processing.
JOURNAL: Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2010 Mar;5(1):18-28. Epub 2010 Feb 10.
18.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Salazar J, Ordoño F, Soriano S, Rueda M, Ojeda E, Cozar R, Belloch V.
TITLE: Switch to ziprazidone treatment is associated with changes in MMN amplitude: a case report.
JOURNAL: Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2009 Apr 30; 33(3):573-4. Epub 2009 Feb 10
19.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Forn C, Belloch V, Bustamante JC, Garbin G, Parcet-Ibars MA, Sanjuan A, Ventura N, Avila C.
TITLE: A symbol digit modalities test version suitable for functional MRI studies.
JOURNAL: Neurosci Lett. 2009 May 29; 456(1):11-4. Epub 2009 Mar 31.
20.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Landin L, Cavadas PC, Nthumba P, Muñoz G, Gallego R, Belloch V, Avila C, Loro M, Ibañez J, Roger I, Linares-Martinez N.
TITLE: Morphological and functional evaluation of visual disturbances in a bilateral hand allograft recipient.
JOURNAL: J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Apr;63(4):700-4. Epub 2009 Feb 23.
21.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Meseguer V, Romero MJ, Barrós-Loscertales A, Belloch V, Bosch-Morell F, Romero J, Avila C.
TITLE: Mapping the apetitive and aversive systems with emotional pictures using a block-design fMRI procedure.
JOURNAL: Psicothema. 2007 Aug;19(3):483-8. PubMed PMID: 17617989.
22.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Forn C, Ventura-Campos N, Belenguer A, Belloch V, Parcet MA, Avila C.
TITLE: A comparison of brain activation patterns during covert and overt paced auditory serial addition test tasks.
JOURNAL: Hum Brain Mapp. 2008 Jun; 29(6):644-50. PubMed PMID: 17598164.
23.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Forn C, Barros-Loscertales A, Escudero J, Belloch V, Campos S, Parcet M, Avila C.
TITLE: Compensatory activations in patients with multiple sclerosis during preserved performance on the auditory N-back task.
JOURNAL: Hum Brain Mapp. 2007 May; 28(5):424-30
24.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Mallol R, Barros-Loscertales A, Lopez M, Belloch V, Parcet MA, Avila C.
TITLE: Compensatory cortical mechanisms in Parkinson's disease evidenced with fMRI during the performance of pre-learned sequential movements.
JOURNAL: Brain Res. 2007 May 25; 1147:265-71. Epub 2007 Feb 27.
25.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Pascual AM, Lopez-Mut JV, Belloch V, Chamarro R, Soler J, Lainez MJ.
TITLE: Perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in acute intracerebral hemorrhage at baseline and during the 1st and 2nd week: a longitudinal study..
JOURNAL: Cerebrovasc Dis. 2007;23(1):6-13. Epub 2006 Sep 12.
26.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Barros-Loscertales A, Meseguer V, Sanjuan A, Belloch V, Parcet MA, Torrubia R, Avila C.
TITLE: Striatum gray matter reduction in males with an overactive behavioral activation system.
JOURNAL: Eur J Neurosci. 2006 Oct;24(7):2071-4. Epub 2006 Oct 16.
27.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Barros-Loscertales A, Meseguer V, Sanjuan A, Belloch V, Parcet MA, Torrubia R, Avila C.
TITLE: Behavioral Inhibition System activity is associated with increased amygdala and hippocampal gray matter volume: A voxel-based morphometry study.
JOURNAL: Neuroimage. 2006 Nov 15;33(3):1011-5. Epub 2006 Sep 18
28.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Gonzalez J, Barros-Loscertales A, Pulvermuller F, Meseguer V, Sanjuan A, Belloch V, Avila C.
TITLE: Reading cinnamon activates olfactory brain regions.
JOURNAL: Neuroimage. 2006 Aug 15;32(2):906-12. Epub 2006 May 2.
29.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Avila C, Barros-Loscertales A, Forn C, Mallo R, Parcet MA, Belloch V, Campos S, Feliu-Tatay R, Gonzalez-Darder JM.
TITLE: Memory lateralization with 2 functional MR imaging tasks in patients with lesions in the temporal lobe
JOURNAL: AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2006 Mar;27(3):498-503.
30.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Forn C, Barros-Loscertales A, Escudero J, Belloch V, Campos S, Parcet MA, Avila C.
TITLE: Cortical reorganization during PASAT task in MS patients with preserved working memory functions.
JOURNAL: Neuroimage. 2006 Jun;31(2):686-91. Epub 2006 Feb 8.
31.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Avila C, Gonzalez J, Parcet MA, Belloch V.
TITLE: Selective alteration of native, but not second language articulation in a patient with foreign accent syndrome.
JOURNAL: Neuroreport. 2004 Oct 5;15(14):2267-70.
32.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Dicenta F, Rodriguez JA, Belloch V..
TITLE: [Double aortic arch]
JOURNAL: Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002 Oct;55(10):1088. Spanish. No abstract available.
33.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Avila C, Barros-Loscertales A, Parcet-Ibars MA, Belloch-Ugarte V, Campos-Hernandez S, Feliu-Tatay R, Gonzalez-Darder JM.
TITLE: [Applications of functional magnetic resonance imaging in pre-surgical patients: motor, mnemonic and linguistic functions]
JOURNAL: Rev Neurol. 2003 Sep 16-30;37(6):567-78. Review. Spanish.
34.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Pesudo Martinez JV, Gonzalez-Darder JM, Feliu Tatay R, Belloch Ugarte V, Vera Roman J, Gil Salu JL.
TITLE: [Assessment of the degree of resection of high grade supratentorial gliomas with early postoperative magnetic resonance]
JOURNAL: Neurocirugia (Astur). 2001;12(1):43-50. Spanish.
35.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Pesudo Martinez JV, Gonzalez-Darder JM, Feliu Tatay R, Belloch Ugarte V, Vera Roman J, Gil Salu JL.
TITLE: Valoración del grado de resección de los gliomas supratentoriales de alto grado con Resonancia Magnética postoperatoria precoz.
JOURNAL: Neurocirugia (Astur);12(1):43-50, 2001.
36- AUTHORS (by order of signature): V.Martinez Sanjuan, JJ Garcia Nieto, V. Belloch, S.Campos, JV Lopez Mut, J.Celma
TITLE: Arrytmogenic Dysplasia of the Right Ventricle.
JOURNAL: International Journal of cardiovascular Imaging, Supp. Nov. 98, 13-14
37.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): S. Campos, V. Martinez Sanjuan, JJ Garcia-Nieto, V Belloch, A. Lucas, MJ. Masip, P. Nogues, JC. Martinez, G Zanoli, H. Lejay, J. Celma
TITLE: New Black blood pulse sequence for studies of the heart..
International Journal of Cardiac Imaging 15: 175-183,1999
38.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): V.Martinez Sanjuan, JJ.Garcia Nieto, V.Belloch, S.Roch, S.Campos, JC. Martinez , P.Nogues, J.celma
TITLE: Magnetic Resonance Cholangio-Pancreatography (MRCP) in cystic fibrosis..
JOURNAL: MAGMA Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine, 1998; 6 (S.1): 198
39.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): V.Martinez Sanjuan, JJ.Garcia Nieto, V.Belloch, S.campos, JV.Lopez Mut, S.Roch, J.Celma.
TITLE: New Black – Blood breath hold pulse sequence for cardiac imaging.
JOURNAL: MAGMA Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine, 1998; 6 (S.1): 166.
40.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): V.Martinez Sanjuan, JJ.Garcia Nieto, V.Belloch, S.campos, JC Martinez, P.Nogues, S.Roch, J.Celma.
TITLE: Wallemberg’s Syndrome. Role of MRI and MRA.
JOURNAL: MAGMA Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine, 1998; 6 (S.1): 188.
41.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): del Val A, Talens A, Belloch V, Hernández E
TITLE: Contribución diagnóstica de la angiooafía por RM.
JOURNAL: Rev Esp Enterm Dig 1997 Apr;89(4):336-7
42.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Ferrer MD, Marti-Bonmati L, Belloch V, Moreno F, Martinez-RodrigoJ, GalantJ, Llopis
TITLE: Eficacia diagnóstica de la TC y RM en el estudio de extensión local de las neoplasias renales Fen-er MD, Marti-Bonmati L, Belloch V, Moreno F, Martinez-RodrigoJ, GalantJ, Llopis
JOURNAL: Rev Esp Enfem Dig 1997 Apr;89(4):336-7
43.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Martinez-Sanjuán, V.; Belloch, V.; Roch, S.; Brisa, A.; García-Nieto, J.J.; Montoliu, G.; Masip, M.J.; Lucas, A.; Más, F.; Jordán, Y.; Martinez Iranzo, F.; Zanoli, G.; Suminsky, M.
TITLE: Étude comparatif des séquences 2DTOF/SPGR et FMPVAS dans l’examen des troncs arteriels supra-aortiques.
JOURNAL: Journal de Radiologie, Revue d’Imagerie Medicale. Tome 77. Nº 10. Octobre, 1996.Paris. France.
44.- AUTHORS (by order of signature): Martinez-Sanjuán, V.; Belloch, V.; Roch, S.; Brisa, A.; García-Nieto, J.J.; Montoliu, G.; Masip, M.J.; Lucas, A.; Más, F.; Jordán, Y.; Martinez Iranzo, F.
TITLE: IRM de la prostate avec antenne de surface, mais non endo cavitarire
JOURNAL: Journal de Radiologie, Revue d’Imagerie Medicale. Tome 77. Nº 10. Octobre, 1996.Paris. France.